PRIVACY (Dec 2024)
- Oxford University Press: Police Authorities, Accountability, and Citizenship (Millen & Stephens: 2012)
- Taylor & Francis: Policing and Accountabilty, the Working of Police Authorities (Millen & Stephens: 2011)
- Is Boris Johnson, The Benny Hill of British Politics? (pg 110-11)
- Can Keir Starmer Pull A Rabbit Out of the Hat
- The Policing Bill: We Don’t Need Greater Police Powers
- George Floyd: Let This Cup Pass Me By
- Lies, Damned lies and Policing
- Religion has failed, Politics will succeed (pg 92-93)
- Everything Has Changed, But Nothing Has Changed
- Birmingham Mail: Clinton McCurbin & other families
- 74% of children in London prisions awaiting trial are black
Click HERE to access the articles listed below
- Higher Education and Social Cohesion
- Book Review: How to make a million jobs
- Book Review: The New Machiavelli (Philip Powell)
- Political Inertia and the principle of unripe time
- Political inertia and the fear of the innovator
- The problem at the heart of Labour
- The financial cost of unemployment
- Budget 2008: winners and losers
- DWP Commissioning Strategy Responses
- New Deal: net benefit or net cost?
- The Gibbons Review
- Policing in the shadows
- Pensions
- Citizenship a theoretical approach
- Employment for all
- Why inspection is important for Equality
- A response to the response to terror